How to apply for OCI card?

  • An applicant needs to apply directly online at the following link:

  • While applying online the applicant should upload all the necessary documents including current passport, proof of Indian origin, photograph and signature.

  • After submitting the online OCI Card application, the applicant will come to the Embassy with the original documents and the printed copy of online filled application, for verification of the documents, personal interview, providing biometric data and depositing the requisite fees (in cash). There is no requirement to bring photocopies of supporting documents.

  • No separate appointment is required for this purpose. The applicant may come to the Embassy on any working day between 0930 and 1200. The applicant is advised to come to the Embassy having sufficient time and not in hurry, since the process of submission of application, which includes personal interview and biometrics, may last longer. List of holidays may also be seen before coming to the Embassy.

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