About Us Trade and Investment opportunities in the Czech Republic

Trade and Investment opportunities in the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic is one of the most successful CEE countries in terms of attracting foreign direct investment. Over 173,000 Czech firms across all sectors are now supported by foreign capital. According to the Czech National Bank, a total amount of EUR 77.8 billion worth of FDI has been recorded since 1993 (Source: Czech National Bank, 2012).

The introduction of investment incentives in 1998 stimulated a massive inflow of FDI into greenfield projects. The Czech Republic's accession to the European Union in 2004 and the amendments to the investment-incentives legislation have further boosted investment.
According to an Economist Intelligence Unit database, the Czech Republic has consistently attracted a high rate of foreign direct investment per capita since 2000, which confirms the country's strong attractiveness for foreign investors.

For more investment opportunities in the Czech republic, please visit http://www.czechinvest.org/en/why-invest-in-the-czech-republic

For more trade opportunities in the Czech Republic please visit



General Information on the Czech Republic
Czech Business Links
Czech business links
Ministry of Foreign Affairs www.czech.cz Official site for the Czech Republic
Doing Business in the Czech Republic www.doingbusiness.cz General Information on the Czech Republic, the government institutions and the top Czech Companies
Czech Info Centre www.muselik.com
Czech Information Resource for everybody


The Parliament- Chamber of Deputies www.psp.cz
Information includes legislation
Office of the Government of the CR www.vlada.cz

M / Industry & Trade www.mpo.cz
Economic information
M / Finance
General Directorate of Customs
Includes database of VAT Payers and Excise Duty Payers
M / Justice www.justice.cz
Includes the Czech Company Register
M/ Transport www.mdcr.cz

M/Regional Development
M/Defence www.army.cz

M/Labour & Social Affairs www.mpsv.cz

M/Environment www.env.cz

National Property Fund www.fnm.cz
Gov. Fund responsible for implementing privatization projects

Trade Promotion

Czech Trade www.czechtrade.cz
Czech Trade Promotion Agency
CzechInvest www.czechinvest.org Investment opportunities in the CR, economic data, general information
EGAP www.egap.cz Export Guarantee and Insurance Corp.
Export Bank www.ceb.cz Czech Export Bank
Your Czech Supplier www.supplier.cz
Database of Czech Suppliers

Company Contact Information
The Companies Register www.justice.cz Official data about all Czech legal persons engaged in enterprise
ARES- The Administrative Registers of Economic Subjects www.info.mfcr.cz ARES enables searching for all economic subjects registered in the CR
Hoppenstedt Bonnier www.hoppbonn.cz/project/
Major companies in CR
Inform Net Partners www.inform.cz Inform Catalogue- Czech. Company catalogue
Kompass www.kompass.cz Czech Company Catalogue
Albertina Data www.albertina.cz Company Monitor
Czech Business Directory www.muselik.com/czech/frame.html A listing of Czech business companies

Producers' and Entrepreneurs Unions and Associations
Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic
www.hkcr.cz/ www.komora.cz Trade, economic chambers
Chamber of Commerce, Brno www.ohkbrno.cz Trade information
Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic
www.spcr.cz Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic
Chamber of Tax Advisors
www.kdpcr.cz Chamber of Tax Advisors
Union of Accountants
Union of Accountants

Iuridica www.iuridica.eunet.cz
Legal services in the Czech Republic


Czech National Bank www.cnb.cz Incl. Exchange rates of Czech National Bank
Czech Export Bank www.ceb.cz
Export Promotion Bank
Export Guarantee and Insurance Corporation www.egap.cz
Exchange Rates
Exchange rates (only in Czech)
Finance www.finance.cz
Finance and Economy
Prague Stock Exchange www.pse.cz
Prague Stock Exchange
RM-System www.rmsystem.cz
RMS Securities Market
www.scp.cz Securities Centre Prague (SCP)
www.akcie.cz On-line access to all changes on capital markets (Only in Czech)
Patria Group-Patria Finance www.patria.cz Patria Online
Aspekt www.aspekt.cz Stock Market Guide and Directory

Fairs and Exhibitions

BVV-Brno Trade Fairs and Exhibitions www.bvv.cz
Exhibitions in Brno and relevant information


Czech Statistical Office www.czso.cz Official statistics covering different subjects

Culture/Historical Sights
Prague Information Service www.pis.cz
Information on cultural events and historical sights in the CR


Vladni listy (The Government Pages) www.vladnilisty.cz Government and state authorities, Parliament, Financial and Customs Offices, Social Security Authorities, Labour Offices, Court System, etc.
VAT Payers www.mfcr.cz
Database of VAT payers in the Czech Republic
Excise Duty Payers in the CR www.mfcr.cz
Database of Excise Duty Payers
Czech Industrial Property Office www.upv.cz Norms, Patents and Standards
Ceska Posta (Czech Post)
www.cpost.cz Incl. ZIP codes of CR
The Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
www.dec59.ruk.cuni.cz/gacr/welcome.html The Grant Agency of CR
The Register of Advertising Agencies www.hunter.cz/rra/english/index.html The Register of Advertising Agencies