Renunciation of Indian Citizenship

Renunciation of Indian citizenship and Surrender of Indian passport

Indian nationals considering acquisition of foreign citizenship are reminded that the Indian Citizenship Act does not provide for dual citizenship. Thus, Indian nationals who have acquired foreign citizenship are required to apply for ‘Renunciation of Indian Citizenship/ Surrender Certificate’ by surrendering their Indian Passport. Under Section 12(1A) of the Passports Act, possession of Indian passport by foreign nationals is a cognizable offence. 

A person has to renounce Indian Citizenship after acquiring citizenship of another country within three months from the date of acquiring citizenship of a foreign country. The applicant should submit the application for renunciation of Indian citizenship and submit Indian passport at the Embassy for cancellation.

How to apply 

Step-1 (Renunciation of Indian citizenship)

Please apply for Renunciation of Indian citizenship by making a declaration of intention to renounce Indian citizenship, in Form XXII, as specified in Rule 23 of The Citizenship Rules, 2009.

This form has to be completed on the online portal of Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India at:

Step-2 (Surrender Certificate)

Please apply for Surrender Certificate of Indian Passport at URL:'

Fee Details: 

The fee for Renunciation of Indian citizenship of INR 8000 can be paid online by the applicant. In case applicant is not able to pay online, payment can also be made offline at the counter at Embassy of India, Prague in local currency in cash only. The details of fee for Renunciation of Indian citizenship and Surrender of Indian Passport in local currency are given on our website at the following URL:


Required Documents:

  • Copy of Foreign Passports

  • Indian Passport in Original

  • Copy of Naturalization Certificate

  • Copy of Indian Passport (front, last and all non-blank pages)

  • One Passport size photographs

This whole process takes a minimum of 2 months. A Renunciation Certificate and a Surrender Certificate will be issued separately to the applicant. Both processes are mandatory for those Indian nationals who acquire foreign citizenship.


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