Embassy - Working Hours
Forenoon: 09.00 to 13.00 hrs
Afternoon: 13.30 to 17.30 hrs
Monday to Friday, except on Embassy holidays.
Visa / Consular Section Working Hours:
1. For Submission of documents by Applicants: 09.30 a.m.-12.00 p.m. (Visas, Indian passport, OCI and other consular services)
2. For Delivery of visas/passports and other documents to Applicants: 4.00 pm to 5.00 pm
Ambassador's Office: socsec[dot]prague[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in
Consular Section: cons1[dot]prague[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in
Commerce Section: com2[dot]prague[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in