Press Releases

Czech National Library receives gift of 100 Indian books from Indian Ambassador

June 14, 2019

Embassy of India

Czech National Library receives gift of 100 Indian books from 
Indian Ambassador

H.E. Mrs. Narinder Chauhan, Ambassador of India to the Czech Republic visited the National Library of the Czech Republic on 13 June, 2019 and gifted 100 books for setting up of the India Section at the National Library in Prague.

2.         During her interaction with Dr. Martin Kocanda, Director General and other senior officials of the National Library, Ambassador conveyed that the Embassy greatly values the National Library of the Czech Republic as an iconic institution of learning and is, therefore, desirous of institutional cooperation with the esteemed National Library.

3.         Dr. Martin Kocanda, Director General, thanked Indian Ambassador for the gesture and noted that the books on diverse topics on India will be used and offered to readers in the National Library.  Ambassador remarked that 100 books on diverse topics on India, including politics, economics, yoga, history, culture, architecture, fine arts, cuisine, sports etc. will help in enriching knowledge about different facets of India as a country and in promoting international understanding.

4.         It is mentioned that during the State visit of H.E. Mr. Ram Nath Kovind, President of the Republic of India to the Czech Republic from 6-9 September, 2018, both H.E. Mr. Miloš Zeman, President of the Czech Republic and President of India welcomed partnerships between the centres of learning.

5.         Ambassador took the opportunity to convey information about the forthcoming India related events including Bapu@150: (a) Release of Commemorative postage stamp of Mahatma Gandhi by Czech Post on 26 June; (c) International Day of Yoga on 21 June; (3) Festival of India in Czech Republic from 24 June to 29 June, 2019 in three different cities, i.e., Prague (24 June); Brno (26 June); and Ostrava (Ostrava Street Festival, 28-29 June); and informed that these three venues will have famous dance performers of India. In Prague, the Festival of India will be celebrated on 24 June, 2019 at 07:00 p.m. onwards at Karlin Divadlo, K?ižíkova 10, 186 00, Prague 8, Karlin and  invited all the officials of the National Library to come and watch the Indian dance performances. 

Prague, Czech Republic
13 June, 2019

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