Kendriya Hindi Sansthan, Agra (Central Institute of Hindi, Agra) is inviting applications for the following Hindi courses for International studentsunder Promotion of Hindi Abroad Scheme:
- Hindi Language Proficiency Certificate Course
- Hindi Language Proficiency Diploma Course
- Hindi Language Proficiency Advanced Diploma Course
- Hindi Post-Graduate Diploma Course
The students selected under this scheme would be awarded with a scholarship of Indian Rupees 6000/- per month and economic class return air fare from Czech Republic to India to attend the course.
Interested Czech students between 21 and 35 years of age, may submit filled in application form along with Hindi proficiency certificate, medical certificate, recommendation letter and necessary undertakingat Embassy of India, Prague,MladyHorakove 60/93, Prague-7, 17000, Czech Republic by April 05, 2021.
Application Form and Guidelines can be downloaded from the link: Application Form and Guidelines for 2021-22.
More details may be seen at the website