Embassy of India
1. Eligibility
- A citizen of India and who has not acquired citizenship of any other country is eligible to be registered as an Overseas (NRI) elector.
- One who is absenting from his place of ordinary residence in India owing to his employment, education or otherwise is eligible to be registered as an overseas voter in the constituency in which his place of residence in India as mentioned in his passport is located.
- Attained the age of 18 years on the qualifying date i.e. first day of January of the year of revision of electoral roll, unless otherwise disqualified, is eligible to be registered as a voter in the roll of the part/polling area of the constituency where he is ordinarily resident.
2. Registration process for overseas (NRI) elector
- The applicant has to file an application online in the prescribed Form 6A available on the website of Chief Electoral Officer of the concerned state or website of the Election Commission of India (https://eci.gov.in). The copy of the passport containing his/her address in India and copies of other necessary documents like visa should also be uploaded. It is necessary to send signed copy of Form 6A and self attested copies of requisite documents by post.
- The application accompanied by duly self attested copy of the relevant documents can also be filed in person before the concerned Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) / Assistant Electoral Registration Officer (AERO) or sent by post addressed to the ERO/AERO of the constituency within which the place of ordinary residence of the applicant in India as given in his/her passport falls.
3. Documents required
- One recent passport size coloured photograph, duly affixed in Form 6A
- Photo-copies of the relevant pages of the passport containing photograph, his/her address in India and all other particulars of the applicant
- Page of passport containing the valid visa endorsement.
4. Process in India
- On receipt of Form 6A, the ERO shall display a copy of the said Form on his notice board inviting objections, if any, within 7 days time.
- The ERO may also ask the concerned Booth Level Officer to verify with the family members / relatives or the neighbours, if any, the information provided by the applicant.
- IfERO is not satisfied with verification of documents by the relatives, the documents will be sent for verification to the concerned Indian Mission in the country where the applicant resides. The officer in Indian Mission authorized to verify the claims of the application, will take further necessary action.
- If Form 6A is complete in all respects and copies of all relevant documents enclosed and no person has objected within 7 days stipulated time, the ERO can order inclusion of name in the electoral roll.
- In case there is an objection to the claim in Form 6A for inclusion of name, the ERO shall designate and authorize an officer from the Indian Mission at that particular country to which the applicant belongs, to hear the applicant for the objection raised.
- If the objector is also available there, then both the parties are heard. Such designated officer of the Indian Mission will send a report to the ERO to enable him to take decision in the case. In no case, the personal appearance of the applicant/ objector living abroad shall be required by the ERO in India.
- The decision of the ERO will be communicated to the applicant by post on his address in the foreign country given by him in Form 6A and also by SMS on the mobile number given by him in Form 6A. Electoral rolls are also available on the website of the Chief Electoral Officer of the State concerned and can be seen by anybody.
5. Other general information
- Name of overseas elector is included in a separate section for “Overseas Electors” which is the last section of the roll of that particular part / polling station area of the constituency in which his place of residence in India as mentioned in his passport is located.
- For correction of mistakes in electoral rolls, an application in Form-8 is to be submitted to the Electoral Registration Officer concerned.
- After enrollment, an overseas (NRI) elector will be able to cast his vote in an election in the Constituency, in person, at the polling station provided for the part where he is registered as an overseas (NRI) elector.
- An overseas (NRI) elector is not issued an EPIC as he is allowed to cast his vote in an election in the constituency, in person at the polling station on production of his original passport.
- The overseas elector should surrender EPIC, if already issued to him, in India, along with submission of Form 6A.
- For more details, please see the link below:
Prague, Czech Republic
19 March, 2019