Press Releases

Video Song ‘Life Again’ by Dr. M. Manjunath, Violinist on Covid-19 lockdown

June 15, 2020

Embassy of India



Video Song ‘Life Again’ by Dr. M. Manjunath, Violinist on Covid-19 lockdown

The Embassy of India, Prague is delighted to inform about the video song ‘Life Again’ which has been conceptualised and composed by Dr. M. Manjunath, a renowned violinist. This video song has been released in order to encourage the artists to showcase their artistic works during the Covid-19 lockdown.

2. ‘Life Again’ is an international collaboration of 20 eminent musicians from across the globe and India who have performed in this specially composed music video during the Covid pandemic. Interestingly, all of them are from Corona affected countries. The song was recorded by them in their respective countries. The artists are from Italy, the UK, the US, Iran, China, Middle East, France, etc.(details of musicians are appended below and also at the end of the video). Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji has written the lyrics and recited in the song.

3. A brief concept note of the song is attached.

4. The song is available at the following link:


Prague, Czech Republic

15 June, 2020

Click here to download the file
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