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The Heavy Alloy Penetrator Project (HAPP), Tiruchirapalli, a unit of Ordnance Factory Board, Kolkata which is under the Ministry of Defence, Government of India is engaging in the production of various components for Defence applications. This factory has floated the following new tenders for procurement of pure Tungsten Powder at OFB portal under the website https://ofbeproc.gov.in. It can also be viewed at the website www.tenders.gov.in under "tender by location > HAPP".
Tender No.& Date Specification Quantity Last date & Time for submission of Tender
150145 & 18/08/2015 Tungsten 50,100 Kg 29/10/2015 & 14.15 Hrs
150153 & 21/08/2015 Tungsten 67,000 Kg 05/11/2015 & 14.15 Hrs